Thursday, February 4, 2010

Snowy Days and Smiling Faces

Last weekend was the first real sign of snow that we were able to see this year.  Reluctantly, I pulled myself away from my duties of the everyday to go stay with family.  Sometimes I loose myself in my work.  Little did I know, just how much I needed that break.

Since there were no hills really to sled on, I decided to pull Addison all the way to the park.

Jennifer and Addison Making Snow Angels

Addison decided that she wanted to make a snowman with the snowman kit that she had gotten from my parents.  The snow was really icy from all the sleet that we had gotten on top of the snow.  Foolish adults that we are, we told her that we were so sorry, but she was not going to be able to make a snowman this time because the snow wouldn't compact.  Well, the imagination of the child prevails.  She started raking snow together and making a face.  She made her snowman.

The playground seemed so much more fun covered in snow.

This swing was not meant for a family of three.

Addison constantly put hair-bows in everyone's hair the whole weekend (even Papa's).

I made one of my childhood favorites, homemade snow-cream.

In the end, it was an all round good time, with just enough goofing off to lift the spirits of a heavy heart.

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