Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Good Days vs. Bad Days

I don't know about the rest of you, but I feel as though I have been having more bad days than good days.  I don't know if it is all the changes that have happened in my life lately, the economy, or what, but I know that I have to turn it all around.  For those of you who don't know, I went to school to be an artist.  I love clay, but I also love other art forms as well.  Since graduating, I feel like I am stuck.  Artwork is not selling like it once was, but I am not going to loose hope.  I am continuing to make something everyday, even if it is just something for my family.

I have been inspired by others lately.  I love how SouleMama manages to live a creative life, while still living just one day at a time with her children.  I think we all should down size and make our lives a little simpler.  You know what everyone says, "You should enjoy the small things in life".  Well, I am tired of just thinking about that, I am going to start enjoying the small things from here on out.  I am at an advantage.  I am already able to work from home and spend my time basically how I please.  I will be sharing my journey with you through this blog.  I will blog about my family and my work, but I will also be sharing the "everyday" moments with you.

Go out an be inspired... tomorrow IS a brand new day!

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