Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Live Your Dream Life

"I'd gotten the message in my home, starting with my grandfather, that real work, the kind of work that makes you sweat and gets your hands dirty, is a respectable, necessary thing.  But I wanted to write- and that didn't qualify.  Whenever I told my parents I dreamed of becoming a writer, they said, "Great, but what are you going to do for work?"

     I found this article in Self Magazine today (Please follow the link to read the whole article.).  I found comfort in Miss Liebegott's words.  I too have been struggling with the idea of, is it all enough?

     I sometimes doubt my artwork or writing because I do not have a steady paycheck.  I have applied to numerous teaching jobs that I felt I needed in order to make my love of art a rational career choice.  I think in the back of my mind I always felt that being a teacher sounded better than being an artist.  Whenever someone asks me what I do, and I reply that I am an artist, they look at me as if I am an alien from another planet.  Just last week when I went to the doctor about my arm, the nurse asked me what my occupation was.  I told her that I was an artist.  She paused for a long moment, then went on with her other questions.  Later on in the conversation she said, "So, do you work or not?"  After kindly explaining to her that I make pieces of artwork and sell them in galleries, online, etc., I felt this overwhelming since of worthlessness rush over me.

     After reading this article and countless conversations with my supportive husband, I realize just how lucky I really am.  I get to do the things that I love and absolutely want to do each and everyday, while sharing adventures with my daughter.  I get to experience the "little things" in her life.  I may not have a steady paycheck, but I make enough to support my art and my passions.  Meanwhile, I have the most wonderful husband that loves being the provider for the household and is my largest supporter (Did I mention that he is a music teacher- his dream job?).  I may get down sometimes, but I AM living my dream life.  Thank you, God, for my countless blessings.

Are you living YOUR dream life?

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