Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ash Wednesday

"Remember you are dust, and to dust you will return." Genius 3:19

     Today was the first Ash Wednesday service that I had ever took part in.  Growing up all the churches that I attended never had these services.  I found it to be a very thoughtful way to rejuvenate my love for my Lord and really reflect on my relationship with him.  Not feeling that I totally understood what "Lent" really means I did some research online tonight and found a blog where the writer put the definition of this time into a more personal and easier to understand viewpoint.  I thought I would share his thoughts in order to help anyone else that may also be struggling with this issue on this very special day.  These are his words:

This Wednesday is Ash Wednesday which signifies the start of lent, that ancient period of prepartion for Easter; an opportunity to become closer to Christ through fasting, prayer and works of charity. Ash Wednesday itself is a day of fasting and abstinence from meat. The ashes we will receive on our foreheads at Mass on Ash Wednesday remind us how temporary this life is and not to put material possesions and worldly pursuits ahead of our pursuit of union with God, as He is where our eternal destiny lies. 

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