Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Jessica's Tips for a Successful Day for Someone Who Works From Home:

Mary Jane's tips for a simple life made me start thinking about what advice I could give to others.

I have had my share of really productive days, but I also have had my share of days where I felt like I just couldn't get anything done.  I think that just comes with the territory.  When you work from home you tend to want to spend your days as if you were just staying at home for the day (those of you who work from home know what I mean).  This can hinder your productivity during the day.  Here are my tips for someone who is going to work from home:

1. Wake Up, Take a Shower, Get Dressed.  You need to start your morning off as if you were going to venture out into the world to a job somewhere.  After-all, you are going to work.  This just helps your brain to wake up and take the hint.

2. Drink a cup of coffee.  I know, I know, there are some of you out there that are saying, "I HATE COFFEE!"  Well, what I mean by this is simply just sit down with your thoughts over something that is going to pick you up and make you feel like you can conquer the day.  For me, that is my coffee.

3.  This brings me to my next tip.  Make a list!  I can not stress how important this step is.  If you don't have a plan, what are you working towards?  I like to start this step over my morning cup of coffee and add to it during the day.  You don't have to follow the list completely, but taking the time to think about what you want to get accomplished during the day will help you to get your thoughts organized.

4.  Streeeetch.  Periodically throughout the day, I like to give my body a good ol' stretch.  This not only helps me to feel more energized and alert, but it helps me to refocus on the task that I am trying to accomplish.

Whether you are staying at home with your kids or running a large business at home (or both), I think you will find these tips to be a big help in your journey to conquer the day.  I know I feel lost without them :)

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